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Friday, November 8, 2019

Rod SiasGeno Delafose Performs at Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar

Geno Delafose Performs at Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar

Governor John Bel Edwards Delivers Address to the Elderly

November 8, 2019

by Rod Sias
Uniting The Zydeco Nation

Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie performing at the Opelousas Civic Center for the 2019 Elderly Awareness Seminar in Opelousas, Louisiana. (Photo Credit: Rod Sias, Zydeco Historical & Preservation Society)

Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie entertained a capacity filled Opelousas Civic Center at the 2019 Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar. 

Over 800 elderly citizens attended the 2019 Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar.  (Photo Credit: Rod Sias, Zydeco Historical & Preservation Society)

It was an awareness seminar, but there was plenty of time for fun and food for elderly citizens. Door prizes were given throughout event and vendors were set up to provide information and answer questions pertaining to elderly health and well being, Congregate Meals, Nutrition Counseling, Nutrition Education, Public Education, Recreation and  Wellness. 

Governor John Bel Edwards with the key note speaker at the 2019 Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar. (Photo Credit: Rod Sias, Zydeco Historical & Preservation Society)

Governor John Bel Edwards spoke to elderly constituents about the benefits and importance of Medicaid expansion and highest percentage of people with health insurance and access to primary healthcare in Louisiana history.

The Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar (OEAS) was started in 2008 by the Opelousas Police Department as a way of informing  and educating elderly citizens of current events ranging from healthcare to personal safety.
Geno Delafose Performs at Opelousas Elderly Awareness Seminar
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