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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nathan and The Zydeco Cha Chas Release New CD!!!

Nathan and The Zydeco Cha Chas Release New CD!!!

"A New Road" CD Is One Of 
The Most Anticipated Zydeco CDs of 2013!

September 11, 2013

by Rod Sias
Uniting the Zydeco Nation

NEW Music by 
Mr. Nathan Williams, Sr. and The Zydeco Cha Chas
CD: A New Road 

Twenty eight years of producing and playing classic Zydeco Music hasn't slowed down Nathan Williams and the Zydeco Cha Chas! 

Receiving the 2012 Zydeco Music Association's Lifetime Achievement Award and 2012 Big Easy Award for Best Zydeco Band, being inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame in 2005, being featured in the New York Times, Essence and People magazines, and being featured on the cover of USA Today, appearances in films like "In The Electric Mist" and "The Kingdom of Zydeco", and working with a host of Zydeco Musicians and diverse musical artists like Cindy Lauper, Michael Doucet and Buddy Guy hasn't clouded the musical clarity and focus of a band considered to be one of the top festival bands in the country and is one of the "A Level" zydeco bands in the Zydeco Nation!

Nathan Williams and the Zydeco Cha Chas continue building their Creole, Zydeco, and Musical Legacy with the release of their new CD "A New Road!" The CD has 11 Zydeco tracks that will be sure to keep you dancing and will remind the Zydeco Nation that Nathan Williams and the Zydeco Cha Chas are still out there working hard on the Zydeco Road!

Video and Production Credit: Lola Love (the Zydeco Lady)

Nathan and The Zydeco Cha Chas 

Nathan and The Zydeco Cha Chas Release New CD!!!
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Item Reviewed: Nathan and The Zydeco Cha Chas Release New CD!!! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Rod Sias