Zydeco Countdown:
Zydeco Fans Should Support Upcoming
Bands Too
November 1, 1991
by Luke Collins
Creole Magazine
November 1991 Vol 2, No. 11
This Month I would Like to focus on some of the upcoming
zydeco bands that the public should be giving more support.
Black French music has been in Southwest Louisiana for
years -- only the name has been changed to "zydeco." And the black French-speaking people were
dancing to the French music and supporting it – not because one band was better
than the other, but because all of the French bands were of their culture. When a zydeco band was playing at a zydeco
club, people didn't care who the name of the band was – just as long as it was
French music.
What I’m trying to point out is that a real zydeco fan
should not be too choosey about whose zydeco band is playing if he or she wants
to really feel the touch of zydeco music.
Zydeco music has been live music in black people’s
backyard or on the front porch with friends and family gathering. But the people who really did help keep
zydeco music alive to the public in Southwest Louisiana (before radio stations
decided to put it on the air) were Richard’s Club known as the Grand Ole Opry of Zydeco, and Slim’s
Y-Ki-Ki. The owners of these clubs
really mad live zydeco music come alive.
The club owners and zydeco deejays are the ones now helping to promote
the zydeco bands and music.
The following bands are bands that zydeco fans should be
giving a lot of support:
- Roy Carrier & the Night Rockers
- Lil’ Jeff & the Hidaway Zydeco Band
- Nolton Simien & the Zydeco Vamps
- Preston Frank & the Family Frank Band
- Jo Jo Reed & the Happy Hills Playboys
And let’s not forget John Delafose who started out that
zydeco that old-fashion way.
Tune into Luke Collins’ L & L Zydeco Show at 1-3 p.m.
on KVPI 1050 AM in Ville Platte.
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